1. Livres 2. Journaux scientifiques 3. Sites internet 4. Etudes 5. A lire en priorité
1. Livres (par ordre alphabétique d’auteurs)
Baker John R. | 2012 | "Race" 3ème édition | Excellent ouvrage d'un professeur de biologie à Oxford. | 5 |
Battaglioli M.S. | 2016 | "The Consequences of Equality" | - | 3 |
Cavali-Sforza L. | 1994 | "The History and Geography of Human Genes" | Peu intéressant. | 1 |
Cavali-Sforza L. | 2000 | "Genes, People and Language" | Peu intéressant | 1 |
Cochran G. et Harpending H. | 2009 | "The 10,000 Year Explosion" | - | 3 |
Dutton E. | 2014 | "Religion and Intelligence, an Evolutionary Analysis" | 3 | |
Entine J. | 2000 | "Taboo : Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We're Afraid to Talk About it" | 2 | |
Eysenck H.J. | 1956 | "Us et abus de la psychologie" | 2 | |
Eysenck H.J. | 1971 | "The I.Q Argument. Race, Intelligence and Education" | 3 | |
Eysenck H.J. | 1973 | "The Inequality of Man" | 4 | |
Eysenck H.J. | 1995 | "Genius: The General History of Creativity" | 5 | |
Eysenck H.J. et Eysenck M. | 1981 | L'esprit nu | 2 | |
Flynn J. | 2009 | "What is Intelligence?" | Très mauvais ouvrage. Sans intérêt. | 1 |
Galton F. | 1882 | "Hereditary Genius, An Inquiry Into Its Laws and Consequences" | Ouvrage séminal. | 5 |
Good J. et Gorek S | 1995 | "Poison Mind: The True Story of the Mensa Murderer-And the Policewoman Who Risked Her Life to Bring Him to Justice" | Histoire vraie et captivante du "meurtrier de Mensa". | 5 |
Haier R.J. | 2016 | "The Neuroscience of Intelligence" | Cambridge Fundamentals of Neuroscience in Psychology | 4 |
Haier R.J., Colom R., Hunt E. | 2023 | "The Science of Human Intelligence" | Images de mauvaises qualité. Beaucoup de sujets traités de façon évasive | 3 |
Hart M.H. | 2008 | "Understanding Human History" | Disponible en ligne gratuitement. | 4 |
Harvey J. | 2011 | "Race and Equality. The Nature of the Debate" | 3 | |
Hernstein J. et Muray C. | 1994 | "The Bell Curve, Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life" | Best-seller américain, disponible gratuitement. Hernstein est alors professeur de sociologie à Harvard. | 5 |
Jensen A.R. | 1998 | "The g Factor: the Science of Mental Ability" | Très bon ouvrage, complet sur les habiletés mentales. | 5 |
Jensen A.R. | 2006 | "Clocking the Mind: Mental Chronometry and Individual Differences" | Très bon ouvrage, qui n'aborde malheureusement pas les différences raciales. | 4 |
Jensen A.R., Langan C. et LoSasso | "Discussion on Genius and Intelligence. Mega fundation Interview with Arthur Jensen" | A consulter gratuitement. | 5 | |
Larivée S. et al. | 2009 | "Le quotient intellectuel, ses déterminants et son avenir" | Inférieur à race differences in intelligence de Lynn, néanmoins le meilleur ouvrage en français. | 4 |
Levin M. | 1997 | "Why Race Matters?" | 3 | |
Lynch G. et Granger R. | 2008 | "Big Brain. The Origin and Future of Human Intelligence" | Peu intéressant. | 1 |
Lynn R. | 1996 | "Dysgenics. Genetic Deterioration in Modern Population" | Ouvrage de qualité exceptionnelle, comme tous les livres de Lynn. | 5 |
Lynn R. | 2001 | "Eugenics, a Reassessment" | 5 ![]() | |
Lynn R. | 2001 | "The Science of Human Diversity: a History of the Pioneer Fund" | 5 | |
Lynn R. | 2006 | "Race Differences in Intelligence. An Evolutionary Analyse" | Première édition. Un livre écrit d'une main de maître. Richard Lynn est le Darwin de notre époque | 5 ![]() |
Lynn R. | 2015 | "Race Differences in Intelligence. An Evolutionary Analyse" | Seconde édition. Un livre écrit d'une main de maître. Richard Lynn est le Darwin de notre époque | 5 ![]() |
Lynn R. | 2008 | "The Global Bell Curve" | 5 ![]() | |
Lynn R. | 2011 | "The Chosen People. A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement" | 5 ![]() | |
Lynn R. | 2019 | "Race Differences in Psychopathic Personality, an Evolutionary Analysis" | 5 ![]() | |
Lynn R. | 2020 | "Memoirs of a Dissident Psychologist" | 5 | |
Lynn R. | 2021 | Sex Differences in Intelligence. The Developmental Theory. | 5 ![]() | |
Lynn R. et Becker D. | 2019 | "The Intelligence of Nations" | 5 | |
Lynn R. et Vanhanen T. | 2002 | "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" | 4 | |
Lynn R. et Vanhanen T. | 2006 | "IQ and Global Inequality" | Suite de "I.Q and global inequality", meilleur car plus approfondit, plus accessible et moins cher. | 5 ![]() |
Lynn R. et Vanhanen T. | 2012 | "Intelligence a Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences" | 5 ![]() | |
Lynn R. et Dutton E. | 2015 | "Race and Sport. Evolution and Racial Differences in Sporting Abilities" | Un must pour tout ceux qui s'intéressent aux liens entre race et sport. | 4 |
Mackintosh N.J. | 1999 | "Q.I. & intelligence humaine" | 1 | |
Meisenberg G. | 2007 | "In God's Image. The Natural History of Intelligence and Ethics" | 3 | |
Miele F. | 2002 | "Intelligence, Race, and Genetics. Conversation with Artur R. Jensen" | 3 | |
Miele F. et Sarich V. | 2004 | "Race. The Reality of Human Differences" | Manque de structure, manque de schémas. Récit trop historique. Décevant. Moyennement intéressant. | 2 |
Miller A.S. et Kanazawa S. | 2008 | "Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters" | Fascinante odyssée de psychologie évolutionniste en questions-réponses. | 4 |
Miller James D. | 2012 | "Singularity Rising. Surviving and Thriving in a Smarter, Richer and More Dangerous World" | Livre passionnant sur les nouvelles perspectives biotechnologiques, smart drugs... | 5 |
Muray C. | 2004 | "Human Accomplishment, the Pursuit of Excellence in Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C to 1950" | 4 | |
Muray C. | 2020 | Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class | Intéressant. | 4 |
Muray C. | 2021 | Facing Reality. Two Truths about Race in America. | Décevant car aucune mention des soubassements biologiques des différences raciales. Analyse sociologique. | 3 |
New century fundations | 2016 | "The Color of Crime. Race, Crime, and Justice in America" | 4 | |
Nyborg H. et al. | 1997 | "The Scientific Study of Human Nature. Tribute to Hans J. Eysenck at Eighty" | 4 | |
Nyborg H. et al. | 2003 | "The Scientific Study of General Intelligence. Tribute to Arthur R. Jensen" | 5 | |
Nyborg H. et al. | 2014 | "Race and Sex Differences in Intelligence and Personality. A Tribute to Richard Lynn at Eighty" | 5 | |
Obertone L. | 2018 | "La France interdite, la vérité sur l'immigration" | Obertone aborde la diminution du Q.I moyen en Europe conséquente de l'immigration. Très courageux. | 5 |
Oleson J.C. | 2016 | "Criminal Genius: a Portrait of High-I.Q Offenders" | 3 | |
Plomin R. | 2018 | "Blueprint, how DNA makes us who we are" | 5 | |
Plomin, de Fried, McCleran, Rutter | 1999 | "Des gènes au comportement. Introduction à la génétique comportementale" | 4 | |
Rindermann H. | 2018 | "Cognitive Capitalism, Human Capital and the Wellbeing of Nations" | 5 | |
Roth B.M. | 2010 | "The Perils of Diversity. Immigration and Human Nature" | 4 | |
Ritchie S. (2016) « Intelligence, all that matters » | 2016 | "Intelligence, All That Matters" | Une petite introduction au domaine de l'intelligence, sans prétention. | 3 |
Rushton J.P. | 2000 | "Race, Evolution and Behavior" | 5 ![]() | |
Rushton J.P. | 2020 | Odyssey: My Life as a Controversial Evolutionary Psychologist | Livre très intéressant terminé par le fils de JP Rushton | 4 |
Taylor J. et McDaniel G. | 2002 | "A Race Against Time" | 2 | |
Vanhanen T. | 2009 | "The Limits of Democratisation" | 4 | |
Wade N. | 2014 | "A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History" | 4 | |
Warne Russel T. | 2020 | "In the Know: Debunking 35 Myths about Human Intelligence" | Cambridge University Press. Excellente synthèse sur l'intelligence humaine. | 5 ![]() |
2. Journaux scientifiques – Bibliographie
Journal of social, political and economic studies
Personality and individual differences
3. Sites internet – Bibliographie
http://www.douance.org/ Site sur l’intelligence et le Q.I
http://www.thepioneerfund.org/ Site du “Pioneer fund” en Amérique
http://www.rlynn.co.uk/ Le site officiel de Richard Lynn
http://lagriffedulion.f2s.com/ Différentes questions résolues
4. Etudes (par ordre alphabétique d’auteurs) – Bibliogrpahie
Allik J. (2011) « National differences in personality » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.05.011
Beaver K.M. et Wright J.P. (2009) « School-level genetic variation predicts school-level verbal IQ scores: Results from a sample of American middle and high schools » Intelligence 39, 193–197.
Beaver K.M. et Wright J.P. (2011) « The association between county-level IQ and county-level crime rates » Intelligence 39, 22–26.
Benyamin B. et al. (2013) Childhood intelligence is heritable, highly polygenic and associated with FNBP1L Molecular Psychiatry, 1 – 6
Corballis M.C. (2011) « BOOK REVIEW: A frontal approach to intelligence » Brain.
Davies G. et all. (2011) « Genome-wide association studies establish that human intelligence is highly heritable and polygenic » Nature, Molecular Psychiatry.
Deary I.J. et all. “The association between intelligence and lifespan is mostly genetic” Int. J. Epidemiol. Advance Access published July 26, 2015.
Freitas da Rocha A., Rocha F.T. et Massad E. (2011) « The Brain as a Distributed Intelligent Processing System: An EEG Study » PLoS ONE, Volume 6, Issue 3, e17355.
Garett J « Human Capital in the Creation of Social Capital: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking »
Gelade G.A. (2008) «The geography of IQ» Intelligence 36, 495–501.
Guven C. (2011) « Height, Health and Cognitive Function at Older Ages: Cross-National Evidence from Europe »
Hafer R.W. (2016) « Cross-country evidence on the link between IQ and financial development » Intelligence 55, 7–13
Hafer, R.W., “New estimates on the relationship between IQ, economic growth and welfare” Intelligence (2017)
Jensen A.R (2011) « The theory of intelligence and its measurement » Intelligence 39, 171–177.
Jones G. (2011) « National IQ and National Productivity: The Hive Mind Across Asia » Asian Development Review, vol. 28, pp. 51−71.
Jung R.E. et Haier R.J (2007) “The Parieto-Frontal Integration Theory (P-FIT) of intelligence: Converging neuroimaging evidence” Cambridge University Press.
Kagitcibasi C. et Biricik D. (2011) « Generational gains on the Draw-a-Person IQ scores: A three-decade comparison from Turkey » Intelligence, doi:10.1016/j.intell.2011.06.001
Kanazawa S. (2011) « The evolution of general intelligence » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.05.015
Karama S. et al. (2011) « Cortical thickness correlates of specific cognitive performance accounted for by the general factor of intelligence in healthy children aged 6 to 18 » NeuroImage 55, 1443–1453
Karlsson H. et al. “Association between erythrocyte sedimentation rate and IQ in Swedish males aged 18–20” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 24 (2010) 868–873.
Loehlin J.C. (2011) « Correlation between general factors for personality and cognitive skills in the National Merit twin sample » Journal of Research in Personality doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2011.06.011
Lynn R. (2009) « What has caused the Flynn effect ? Secular increases in the Development Quotients of infants » Intelligence 37, 16–24.
Lynn R. (2010) « Consistency of race differences in intelligence over millennia: A comment on Wicherts, Borsboom and Dolan » Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 48, Issue 2, Pages 100–101
Lynn R. (2010) « IQ differences between the north and south of Italy: A reply to Beraldo and Cornoldi, Belacchi, Giofre, Martini, and Tressoldi » Intelligence 38, 451–455.
Lynn R. (2012) « IQs predict differences in the technological development of nations from 1000 BC through 2000 AD » Intelligence.
Lynn R. et Longley D. (2006) « On the high intelligence and cognitive achievements of Jews in Britain » Intelligence 34, 541–547.
Lynn R. et Harvey J. (2008) « The decline of the world’s IQ » Intelligence 36 (2008) 112–120.
Lynn R. et Grigoriev A. (2009) « Studies of socioeconomic and ethnic differences in intelligence in the former Soviet Union in the early twentieth century » Intelligence 37, 447–452.
Lynn R. et Mikk J. (2009) « National IQs predict educational attainment in math, reading and science across 56 nations » Intelligence 37, 305–310.
Lynn R. et Meisenberg G. (2010) « National IQs calculated and validated for 108 nations » Intelligence 38 (2010) 353–360.
Lynn R. et Kanazawa S. (2011) « A longitudinal study of sex differences in intelligence at ages 7, 11 and 16 years » Personality and Individual Differences 51, 321–324.
Lynn R. et Liu (2011) « Factor structure and sex differences on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence in China, Japan and United States » Personality and Individual Differences 50, 1222–1226.
Lynn R. et Vanhanen T. (2012) « National IQs: A review of their educational, cognitive, economic, political, demographic, sociological, epidemiological, geographic and climatic correlates » Intelligence. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2011.11.004
Matzel M.D., Wass C. et Kolata S. (2011) « Individual Differences in Animal Intelligence: Learning, Reasoning, Selective Attention and Inter-Species Conservation of a Cognitive Trait » International Journal of Comparative Psychology 24, 36-59.
Meisenberg G. (2010) « The reproduction of intelligence » Intelligence 38, 220–230.
Meisenberg G. (2011) « National IQ and economic outcomes » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.06.022
Mikk J. et al. (2011) « Sex differences in educational attainment » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.06.003
Nyborg H. (2011) « A conversation with Richard Lynn » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.02.03
Nyborg H. (2011) « The decay of western civilisation: double relaxed darwinian selection » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.02.031
Nyborg H. (2011) « Migratory selection for inversely related covariant T-, and IQ-Nexus traits: Testing the IQ/T-Geo-Climatic-Origin theory by the General Trait Covariance model » Personality and Individual Differences.
Piffer D. (2015) « A review of intelligence GWAS hits: Their relationship to country IQ and the issue of spatial autocorrelation » Intelligence 53 (2015) 43–50
Piffer D., Woodley M.A., Younuskunju S., Balan B., (2017) Holocene selection for variants associated with cognitive ability: comparing ancient and modern genomes.
Plomin R. et Deary J. (2014) « Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings » Molecular psychiatry, open sur www.nature.com.
Plomin R. et al. (2018) « The new genetics of intelligence » Nature.
Potrafke N. (2012) « Intelligence and corruption » Economics Letters 114, 109–112.
Prokosch M.D. et al. (2005) « Intelligence tests with higher g-loadings show higher correlations with body symmetry: Evidence for a general fitness factor mediated by developmental stability » Intelligence 33, 203–213.
Reader S.M., Hager Y. et Laland N. (2011) « The evolution of primate general and cultural intelligence » Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 366, 1017–1027 doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0342
Reeve C.L. et Basalik D. (2010) « Average state IQ, state wealth and racial composition as predictors of state health statistics: Partial support for ‘g’ as a fundamental cause of health disparities » Intelligence 38, 282–289.
Reich D. (mars 2018, nytimes) «How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of Race»
Rindermann, H. (2011) « Intellectual classes, technological progress and economic development: The rise of cognitive capitalism » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.07.001.
Rushton J.P. (1992) « Cranial capacity related to sex, rank and race in a stratified random sample of 6325 military personnel » Intelligence 16, 401-413.
Rushton J.P. (2004) “Progressive Changes in Brain Size and Musculo-Skeletal Traits in Seven Hominoïds populations” Human Evolution, Vol. 19 n°3 (173-196).
Rushton J.P. (2009) « Whole brain size and general mental ability: a review » Int J Neurosci. 119(5): 692–732.
Rushton J.P. (2010) « Brain size as an explanation of national differences in IQ, longevity, and other life-history variables » Personality and Individual Differences 48, 97–99.
Rushton J.P. (2011) « Life history theory and race differences: An appreciation of Richard Lynn’s contributions to science » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.03.012
Rushton J.P. et Jensen A. (2005) « Thirty years of research on race differences in cognitive ability » Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Vol. 11, No. 2, 235–294
Rushton J.P. et Jensen A. (2008) « La très dérangeante vérité de James Watson : réalisme racial et illusion moraliste » Medical Hypotheses 71, 629–640
Rushton J.P. et Osborne R.T. (1995) « Genetic and environmental contributions to cranial capacity in black and white adolescents » Intelligence 20, 1-13.
Rushton J.P. et Templer D.I. (2011) « IQ, skin color, crime, HIV/AIDS, and income in 50 U.S. states » Intelligence 39, 437–442.
Savage J.E et all (2018) « Genome-wide association meta-analysis in 269,867 individuals identifies new genetic and functional links to intelligence » Sorjonen K., Farioli A., Hemmingsson T., Melin B. “Refractive state, intelligence, education, and Lord’s paradox” Intelligence Volume 61, March–April 2017, Pages 115–119.
Strand J.K. (1982) « Relationship between empathy, IQ end perspective-taking in young children » B. S.A Thesis in home and family life.
Sznitman S.R. et al. (2011) « The Neglected Role of Adolescent Emotional Well-Being in National Educational Achievement: Bridging the Gap Between Education and Mental Health Policies » Journal of Adolescent Health 48, 135–142.
Templer D.I. (2008) « Correlational and factor analytic support for Rushton’s differential K life history theory » Personality and Individual Differences 45, 440–444.
Templer D. I. (2011) « Richard Lynn and the evolution of conscientiousness » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.05.023
Te Nijenhuis J. et al. (2011) « The Flynn effect in Korea: Large gains » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.03.022
Thompson J. (2011) « Richard Lynn’s contributions to personality and intelligence » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.03.013
Tsukahara J.S et al. (2016) “The relationship between baseline pupil size and intelligence”, Cognitive Psychology 91, 109–123.
Van Der Linden D., Curtis S.D. et Madison G. (2017) “Sex differences in brain size and general intelligence (g)”, Intelligence.
Vinogradov E. et Kolvereid L. (2010) « Home country national intelligence and self-employment rates among immigrants in Norway » Intelligence 38, 151–159.
Wade N. (2005) « Researchers Say Intelligence and Diseases May Be Linked in Ashkenazic Genes » Nytimes.
Wirthwein L. et Rost D.H. (2011) « Focussing on overexcitabilities: Studies with intellectually gifted and academically talented adults » Personality and Individual Differences 51, 337–342.
Woodley M.A. (2011) « A life history model of the Lynn–Flynn effect » Personality and Individual Differences doi:10.1016/j.paid.2011.03.028
5. A lire en priorité – Bibliographie
Lynn R. (2006 et deuxième éd. 2015) « Races differences in intelligence » L’acheter Un livre écrit d’une main de maître. Richard Lynn est le Darwin de notre époque.
Lynn R. et Vanhanen T. (2006) « I.Q and Global inequality » L’acheter Suite de “I.Q and global inequality”, meilleur car plus approfondit, plus accessible et moins cher.
Lynn R. et Vanhanen T. (2012) « National IQs: A review of their educational, cognitive, economic, political, demographic, sociological, epidemiological, geographic and climatic correlates » Intelligence. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2011.11.004
Lynn R. (2021) Sex Differences in Intelligence. The Developmental Theory.
Piffer D. (2015) « A review of intelligence GWAS hits: Their relationship to country IQ and the issue of spatial autocorrelation » Intelligence 53 (2015) 43–50
Piffer D. (2019) « Evidence for recent polygenic selection on educational attainment and intelligence inferred from GWAS hits: a replication of previous findings using recent data »
Plomin (2018) « Blueprint, how DNA makes us who we are »
Plomin R. et al. (2018) « The new genetics of intelligence » Nature.
Reich D. (mars 2018, nytimes) «How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of Race»
Rushton J.P. (2000) « Race, evolution and behavior » L’acheter
Savage J.E et all (2018) « Genome-wide association meta-analysis in 269,867 individuals identifies new genetic and functional links to intelligence »